When a black-legged or deer tick bites an individual, it may transmit the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi. There are four primary bacterial species that cause Lyme disease. In the United States, Lyme disease is brought on by Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia mayonii, whereas in Europe and Asia, Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii are the most common. Due to their small size and often difficult visibility, tick bites often go unnoticed.
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Common Symptoms
The Lyme disease bacterium can infect many bodily tissues, which can lead to multiple symptoms at different phases. Symptoms may be vague and resemble those of other illnesses. It's crucial that you speak with a qualified health professional if you suspect you have Lyme disease.
Early symptoms include the following:
- An expanding red rash, also known as a bulls-eye rash.
- Headache
- Fatigue
- Muscle and joint aches
- Chills
- Fever
Numerous symptoms, some of which can be extremely serious and incapacitating, can result from infections that are left untreated.
These symptoms manifest as:
- Joint swelling with excruciating pain
- Muscular atrophy on one or both sides of the face, often known as "Bell's palsy”
- Dizziness and heart palpitations
- Meningitis-related neck stiffness and severe headaches
- Neurological symptoms include tingling, numbness in the upper and lower extremities
- cognitive impairments.
Most Lyme disease cases can be treated with a few weeks of oral antibiotics. Some individuals could need a second round of antibiotic treatment, depending on their symptoms. Antibiotics administered intravenously (IV) may be necessary for patients with neurological or cardiac conditions.
Even after receiving antibiotic treatment, a number of Lyme disease patients continue to experience symptoms for months and even years. There is some evidence to support the theory that they are the result of an autoimmune reaction, in which the immune system of the person continues to react even after the infection has been treated. In fact, according to research, up to 20% of people still experience symptoms after treatment.
While the CDC refers to this as the "post-treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome," many experts believe the term “chronic lyme disease” is more fitting because it reflects the belief of researchers that the persistence of bacteria is what causes these lingering symptoms.
Chronic Lyme disease can contribute to slower-than-normal detoxification in the body, causing a buildup of toxins that stress detoxification organs, such as the liver and kidneys, which in turn triggers a chain reaction of adverse symptoms. Complications can include chronic inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction.
How Can Red Light Therapy Help in Managing Chronic Lyme Disease
Red and NIR light therapies are used and researched in a wide variety of clinical applications. Near-infrared light, which is invisible to the human eye, produces powerful energy that penetrates deeply into tissue to aid healing, encourage healthy circulation, and help alleviate pain. Those who are dealing with the long-term symptoms of Lyme disease can benefit from NIR wavelengths.
How does this work exactly?
Vasodilation occurs as a result of the NIR light exposure while penetrating deeper layers of tissue. A higher rate of renewed cellular activity and nutrient delivery as well as toxin clearance are all benefits of improved circulation. The increase of blood circulation has a significant impact on a variety of Lyme disease symptoms, including discomfort and joint inflammation.
This 2015 study titled, “Effects of 670 Nm and 830 Nm Light on the immune response to the Borrelia burgdorferi” evaluated wavelengths of light specific to Lyme arthritis. The study demonstrated that wavelengths between 630 nm to 900 nm were effective at reducing inflammatory symptoms.
Normal mitochondrial function is essential in healing
Increased cellular energy production is one of the most important therapeutic advantages of red and notably NIR light. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which serves as the main fuel for all cellular activities and metabolic processes, is produced when mitochondria are exposed to Red and NIR light.
Other benefits of Red Light Therapy
Stimulate mitochondrial activity
Promote detoxification and relaxation
Increased energy
Less time recovering for those who advocate for better health
Patients with Lyme disease may find red and NIR light therapy to be a viable alternative treatment and red light treatment may become a key component of a self-care routine. Red light therapy is encouraged to be used consistently for optimal results. The healing process can be accelerated by spending merely 10 to 20 minutes every day in front of a high-output LED device .
It is very easy to incorporate red light therapy to manage Lyme disease, and you may be pleasantly surprised at how helpful it can be at supporting chronic Lyme disease symptoms.
Talking to your doctor about red light therapy could be the first step toward improving your condition, and your quality of life. Get started on the road to better health with Rouge!