Studies have proven that red and Near Infrared (NIR) wavelengths have remarkable effects on the body. Our lights feature multiple wavelengths and only a portion of this spectrum is visible to the naked eye, with red being the most visible. These wavelengths of light, some of which are found in sunlight, have positive biochemical effects on the body. It is important to know if it is safe to expose any kind of surgical implants or devices to the wavelengths emitted by our lights.
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Post implant surgery
The good news is that red light therapy applied to areas containing surgical implants has been shown to be perfectly safe. In fact, low-level laser therapy, also known as red light therapy, has been used in joint replacement rehabilitation and to relieve post-operative discomfort. The implants themselves will not be affected by red light therapy which is often used to address potential complications from post-implant surgery simultaneously such as post-surgical scars and edema.
A randomized control study, titled, “Photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) on acute pain and inflammation in patients who underwent total hip arthroplasty-(LINK2) concluded that photobiomodulation is effective in decreasing post-op inflammation in patients who have had hip arthroplasty (hip replacement with artificial implants) and listed no contraindications with photobiomodulation. To put it into perspective, when low-level laser therapy comes into contact with metal implants, the light will be reflected from the implant and redirected through the tissue, this is also very dependent on the type of hardware used in the implant. For example, cerclage wire and IM pins (used in long bone fractures) will have a minimum reflection due to their small size.
A 2021 review, titled, “Effect of photobiomodulation therapy (PBM) on mini-implant stability: a systematic review and meta-analysis,” covered the effects of photobiomodulation on “mini-implant stability.” This study gave reassurance to any safety concerns re: surgical implants while concluding that low-level light can improve mini-implant stability. PBM improves implant stability while also enhancing healing at the surgical site by boosting ATP synthesis and angiogenesis and decreasing inflammation. Furthermore, more high-quality clinical trials are needed to examine PBMT's efficacy on orthodontic mini-implants.
Breast implants
Whether you have saline or silicone breast implants, red light therapy will not affect breast augmentation implants. Red and NIR light with standard and reasonable power densities are safe to use on silicone breast implants (Hamblin M, 2021). Silicone prosthesis for the nose and ear are also deemed to be completely safe. In general, infrared rays can potentially warm up silicone but because silicone melts at over 200 degrees Celsius, there should not be any adverse effects.
Using red light therapy may be helpful to those who have a pacemaker because the effects of red light treatment are comparable to those of sun exposure on the human body, it can be good for cardiac conditions. Various sorts of patients have been found to benefit from the usage of this therapy, including those suffering from myocardial infarction (heart attack) and congenital heart disease. This is because red light therapy can be used to treat these conditions as well as offer much-needed comfort. In the cited research, there have not been any significant studies that presented any negative effects from LED lights most red light therapy panels have been used with people with pacemakers. We can conclude that red light therapy with wavelengths of 660nm to 850nm is perfectly safe for people with pacemakers.
Photobiomodulation and dental implants
Photobiomodulation has become a common viable treatment in many dental practices, and it has been shown to be impactful in tissue healing. Multiple studies examined the effects of “laser therapy in the improvement of the attachment of human oral fibroblasts onto titanium surfaces.” (Link 8) With that said, there is some validation for the use of low-level laser therapy and its use to attach titanium implants to biological flesh. This particular study used animal models to assist in discovering safe, effective restorative practices for humans.
Healthy cellular function
Considering you may be using red light therapy for deep muscle discomfort relief, hair rejuvenation, energizing your mitocondriaa, benefiting the texture and tone of the skin, know that the overall the goal always results in healthier cellular function. Primarily, there is strong positive feedback that red light can relieve discomfort from swelling or improve scaring that was a result from surgical implants.
We can now understand that using red light and NIR are generally safe with surgical implants. Nevertheless, a person should always consult with their physician or surgeon before starting any new therapies. Feel free to explore our blog to learn more about the benefits, use of our panels and much more!
Langella LG, Casalechi HL, Tomazoni SS, Johnson DS, Albertini R, Pallotta RC, Marcos RL, de Carvalho PTC, Leal-Junior ECP. Photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) on acute pain and inflammation in patients who underwent total hip arthroplasty-a randomized, triple-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Lasers Med Sci. 2018 Dec;33(9):1933-1940. doi: 10.1007/s10103-018-2558-x. Epub 2018 Jun 16. PMID: 29909435.
Tang E, Arany P. Photobiomodulation and implants: implications for dentistry. J Periodontal Implant Sci. 2013;43(6):262-268. doi:10.5051/jpis.2013.43.6.262
Palhares A, Schellini SA, Pellizzon CH, Padovani CR, Dorsa P. Evaluation of low intensity laser's action on silicone mammary implant pseudocapsules in rats. Acta Cir Bras. 2009 Jan-Feb;24(1):7-12. doi: 10.1590/s0102-86502009000100003. PMID: 19169535.
Zhang B, Huang X, Huo S, Zhang C, Cen X, Zhao Z. Effect of photobiomodulation therapy on mini-implant stability: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lasers Med Sci. 2021 Oct;36(8):1557-1566. doi: 10.1007/s10103-021-03281-6. Epub 2021 Mar 4. PMID: 33660109.
Tuner J, Hode L. The Laser Therapy Handbook. Prima Books. Sweden. 2007. p 292.
Hamblin M, Agrawal T, Sousa M. Handbook of low-level laser therapy. Jenny Standford Publishing. Massachusetts. 2021
IS IT SAFE TO SIT IN A METAL CHAIR WHILE SITTING IN A RED LIGHT THERAPY BOOTH? I have problems standing for extended periods.
Rouge Canada replied:
Hi there! Thank you for your comment! Yes, it is generally safe to sit in a metal chair while using a red light therapy booth. The light itself does not interact with metal in a harmful way. If standing for long periods is difficult, sitting is a great alternative! Just Ensure that you’re seated at the correct distance from the lights for optimal exposure.
Visit us at rouge.care
How long, which wavelength, should I do red light therapy sessions in the days after breast implant surgery?
Rouge Canada replied:
Hi there! Thank you for your comment. When it comes to red light therapy, it’s important to remember that the suggested times and distances are flexible guidelines rather than strict rules. This therapy isn’t about an exact dosage like medication; you can adjust the duration and proximity to suit your personal needs. Everyone’s ideal time and distance will vary, and you can still reap the benefits with minor adjustments. It’s safe to experiment with the time and distance, increasing or decreasing as needed, to find what works best for you.Using a combination of red (660nm) and near-infrared (around 850nm) wavelengths can provide optimal healing benefits. Start with daily sessions and adjust based on your comfort and recovery progress. Typically, sessions range from 10-20 minutes, but this can be adjusted based on how your body responds. Please note that we cannot provide advice that could be construed as medical advice, and we always recommend consulting with a healthcare professional for the best guidance tailored specifically to you. Hope this helps!
I had an aortic valve replaced with a bovine valve. Will red light therapy affect it?
Rouge Canada replied:
Hi there, unfortunately we cannot give you medical advice, so please check with your doctor before starting red light therapy or any other treatment. Please visit our contraindications blog post for known contraindications but also please check with your doctor first. Possible contraindications of Red Light Therapy – Rouge Care <https://rouge.care/blogs/rouge-red-light-therapy-blog/top-10-reason-to-hit-the-brakes-on-red-light-therapy-for-optimal-results-with-real-life-examples>
Visit us at rouge.care
I have a titanium dental implant that keeps getting infected resulting in bone loss. Will infrared light help me?
Rouge Canada replied:
Please understand that basic guidelines are all we can give as anything more specific would be construed as medical advice which we are not allowed to dispense. We do not know if red light would help with this, so sorry to hear you are suffering with this issue. I would check with a healthcare practitioner who can guide you in the use of red light therapy and other approaches as well. We wish you the best of luck with this and hope it stops getting infected and heals soon.
On Tue, Feb 20 2024, at 02:15 AM, <Sunny@comment.sunnysideapps.com>
I have titanium in my cheek can I use the infra red therapy
Rouge Canada replied:
Hi there, we are not aware of any risks with using red light therapy on areas that have implanted materials but we do recommend that you please check with your healthcare provider.
Visit us at rouge.care